Timeline Play

Check out the below-given walk-through on the Timeline Play functionality.

This feature allows the users to see the data changes over time. For this to achieve, at least one Time dimension should be there in the data store.

  • Navigate to the Analyse view page.

  • Click the Time Play icon.

  • The Timeline Play window opens.

  • Fill in the required information in the Timeline Play window:

  • Time Dimension

  • Date Interval

  • Date Type

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Time Delay

  • Click the START option.

  • The timeline play gets displayed for the selected period.

E.g., the below image displays data for the date 28th February 2017.

E.g., the following image displays data for the date 29th May 2017.

  • The user can resume the stopped timeline play by clicking the Resume Timeline Play icon.

  • Once the timeline play gets over, a Replay icon appears using which the users can replay the timeline play.

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