Alert Center

The alert center triggers alerts based on the lower threshold and upper threshold values for the defined dimension or measure.

  • Click the Alert Center icon on the Storyboard.

  • A new page opens prompting to subscribe alerts (the same screen also displays the previously Subscribed Alerts).

  • Click the Create New Alert icon.

  • The Alert window opens, displaying a list of the available Data Stores (Data Sources for the story).

  • Use the Search bar to search for a Data store from the displayed Data Store list.

  • Select a Data Store containing a time dimension from the list (An error message appears to notify the users if the selected Data Store does not contain a Time Dimension).

  • The following fields display to fill the required information when selecting a data store (data source):

    • Title: Give a title to the created alert

    • Dimension/Measures: Select a dimension or measure from the drop-down list

    • Aggregation: Select an aggregation type from the drop-down list

    • Time Field: Select a time field from the drop-down men

    • Schedule Intervals: Select a time range to schedule the refresh intervals using the drop-down menu

    • Lower Threshold: Set value as the lower threshold (the default value for this field is 0)

    • Upper Threshold: Set value as the upper threshold (the default value for this field is 100)

    • Max Good Value: Enable/disable the Max Good Value by a checkmark in the box

    • A Semi-Gauge chart displays the selected information on the right side of the screen with the value (E.g., in this case, the Semi-Gauge image displays a count of 35 Designations).

  • Click the Save icon.


Please Note:

  • The user can enable the Aggregation field only after selecting a Dimension/Measure field from the drop-down menu.

  • The order of colors changes in Semi-Gauge from 'green-yellow-red' to ‘red-yellow-green by enabling the Max Good Value option.

  • The newly created alert gets added to the Subscribed Alert page.

  • A success message appears to assure about the alert creation.

  • Click the Options icon for a Subscribed Alert.

  • The Edit and Remove options appear.

Triggered Alert

The triggered alerts display under the Alert Center with a brief explanation of the change in the set alert thresholds. The below-given image displays a triggered Alert.

Display Alert History

The user can click the Show History option given on the triggered alert (The Show History option displays only for the triggered alerts).

A page opens, displaying the information of previously triggered alerts.

Please Note:

  • Choosing the Edit option redirects the users to modify the inserted values for Alert.

  • A Click on the Remove option redirects users to remove the subscribed Alert together with the triggered alert.

Applying Filter

  • Navigate to the Alert page for a specific alert.

  • Click the Filter icon.

  • Select a Dimension or measure as the filter value.

  • Select a filter option out of In/ Not In/ Like/ Not Like

  • Put a check mark in the box given next to the filter option or click the Apply Filter icon to apply the filter.

Please Note: The user gets redirected back to the Alert page while applying the Filter value.

Last updated