
Check out a walk-through on how to create a version using the New Version Control settings.

Version Control feature helps the users to maintain a copy of component versions in the Version Control System (Gitlab repository). The user can also pull a specific version from the Version Control System after some versions are pushed there.

The supported modules for the versioning are as follows:

  1. Dataset

  2. Data as API

  3. Data Store

  4. Dashboard

  5. DS Lab Project

  6. Notebook

  7. Pipeline script

  • Expand the Configurations under the Admin module.

  • Select the New Version Control option.

  • The Version Control Information form opens.

  • Select the Version from the first dropdown.

  • All supported modules will be listed under the Select a Module drop-down which are supporting the Version Control functionality. (E.g., Dashboard is selected in the given image).

  • Provide the Host information.

  • Select Token type as Private Token.

  • Click on the Test button.

  • Select the Project

  • Select a Branch where files need to be stored on the VCS.

  • Configure the More Information fields.

    • Provide the following information:

      • Entity App

      • Work Space Name

      • Entity Extension

      • Entity Type

  • Click the Test option.

  • A notification message appears to inform about the successful authentication.

  • The Save option gets enabled. Click the Save option.

  • A configuration message appears and the configuration for the New Version Control gets saved.

Please Note:

  • Provide Email id and Password information when the User Credential option is selected as the Token Type.

  • For each component the user needs to set up the associated module configuration.

  • The configuration fields may vary based on the selection of the Select field and the Token Type information.

Last updated