Bubble chart

Check out the given walk-through on how to set the Bubble chart properties.

A Bubble chart visualizes the data set in three of four dimensions. The first two aspects are used as coordinates like the x-axis and y-axis. The remaining two are used to represent the color and size of the bubbles. Mostly used to plot financial data.


General Settings

  • Base Type: Select a base type to display the data (the provided choices for this field are: Plain, Gradient, Ring)

  • Order: Select a sequence for displaying information

    • None

    • Ascending

    • Descending

    • Manual Sort (Users can manually sort the dimensions by using the indicator signs)

      • By selecting an order(ascending or descending, the user needs to configure the following fields:

        • Order By- Select a value option from the drop-down menu to order the sequence of the data

        • Limit- Set a number to display the requested data by this limit

  • Exclude Global Filter: The view gets excluded from the Global Filter condition by putting a checkmark in the box.

  • Show Data Label: Data label gets displayed by using a checkmark in the given box.

  • Enable Base Zero: Base value gets presented from Zero by using a checkmark in the given box.

  • Show Legend: Displays legend by turning on the radio button. After enabling the Show Legend option, the users need to select the following information:

    • Legend Style: Select one of the following options by using the drop-down menu

      • Fixed

      • Floating

    • Legend Orientation: This option appears when ‘Show Legend’ is enabled, and the selected ‘Legend Style’ is ‘Fixed.’ Users need to select an option out of the given choices using the drop-down menu.

      • Vertical

      • Horizontal

    • Legend Checkbox: Enable this option by a checkmark to add the checkbox beside the Legend

View Filter

  • Filter: Select a filter condition using the drop-down menu

Category Axis

  • Title: Provide a title for the axis

  • Axis Label: Enable the category axis label by using a checkmark in the box

  • Label Angle: Select a display angle for the axis label

Primary Value Axis

  • Title: Provide a title for the Primary Value Axis

  • Axis Label: Enable the Primary Value Axis label by using a checkmark in the box

  • Format Type: Select a desired format type from the drop-down menu (the provided options for this field are: None, Auto, Percent, Thousand, Lacs, Crore, Million)

  • Currency Type: Select a currency symbol to be displayed in the view (the provided options for this field are: None, Euro, Rupees, Pound, USD, Yen, Cent)

  • Precision: Set the after-decimal value (It displays up to 5 precision)


  • Text: Provide any information regarding the chart. If any digit or character is required to be highlighted, put it inside two asterisks. (E.g., *70%* or *skills*).

  • Text align: There are three alignments to align the text.

    • Left

    • Right

    • Centre

  • Position: There are two options to position the text.

    • Bottom

    • Right

Last updated