
Save and load models with transform script, register them or publish them as an API through DS Lab module.

Check out a walk-through on how to use the Transform script inside Notebook.

You can write or upload a script containing transform function to a Notebook and save a model based on it. You can also register the model as an API service. This entire process gets completed in the below given steps:

Saving and loading a Model with Transform script

  • Navigate to a Notebook.

  • Add a Code cell (by default one cell gets added in a new Notebook).

  • Write or provide a transform script to the cell.

  • Run the cell.

  • Add a new Code cell.

  • Click the Save Model option to generate the code to save the desired model.

  • Specify the model name and model type in the auto-generated script.

  • Run the cell.

  • The model gets saved under the Transform tab.

  • Add a new Code cell.

  • Use the checkbox given next to the saved model to load it.

  • Run the cell.

  • Add a new Code cell.

  • Click the Transform option.

  • Specify the train data.

  • Run the cell.

  • The data output appears below.

Registering a Transform Model

  • Open the Transforms tab inside a Notebook.

  • Select the Register option for a listed transform.

  • The Register Model dialog box opens to confirm the action.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A confirmation message appears to inform completion of the action.

  • The model gets registered and lists under the Registered list of the models.

  • Open a pipeline workflow with a DS Lab model runner component.

  • The registered model gets listed under the Meta Information tab of the DS Lab model runner component.

Publishing a Transform Model as API

The Publish Model as API functionality gets completed in three steps:

Register a Transform Model as API

  • Navigate to the Model tab.

  • Select a saved model from the model list.

  • Click the Register as API option.

  • You will get directed to the Update Model page.

  • Provide the Max Instance option.

  • Click the Save and Register option.

  • A confirmation message appears to indicate that the Model has been saved and registered (The icon for a registered model appears differently).

Register an API Client

  • Navigate to the Admin Module from the Apps menu.

  • Click on the API Client Registration option from the Admin panel.

  • The API Client Registration form appears.

  • Choose the Internal option from the Select drop-down.

  • Provide the required details to register the API Client:

    • Client Name

    • Client Email

    • App Name

    • Request Per Hour

    • Request Per Day

    • Select App Type (Select Model As API option from the drop-down menu).

    • Select the saved model using the Select the Services Entitled option.

    • Click the Save option to save the client details.

  • A confirmation message appears to inform about the completion of the client registration action.

  • The API client gets registered. You can get the following details from the registered API Client Registration.

    • App Name

    • Client Id

    • Client Secret Key

Pass Model values in Postman

  • Navigate to the Postman application and select POST service.

  • Open the Headers tab.

  • Provide the clientid, clientsecret, and appname from the API Client Registration form as explained in the previous step.

  • Open the Body tab.

  • Provide the input dataframe.

  • Click the Send option.

  • The response will appear below.

  • You can save the response by using the Save Response option.

Last updated