Data Catalog Search

Data Catalog empowers the data user to have wholistic view of data quickly discover data lineage that can drive towards insightful decisions optimizing their business worth.

Data Catalog ensures that the most trusted data is available to the Citizen Data Scientists all the time - tables, databases, saved data sets, or dashboards – all in one place.

Data Catalogue Search provides a centralized place to:

  • Click the ‘Data Catalog /AI Search’ icon on the homepage header panel.

  • The Data Catalog Search option appears on the top left side of the page.

  • Type the relevant search term in the given space (the user can pass Database/ Data Connector/ Data Set/ Column Name/ Dashboard name).

  • The Data Catalog/ A list of Data Catalog befitting the searched terms gets displayed.

  • The user can customize the search based on the applied filters from the Asset Type, Connector Type, or Status categories. Ex., the following image displays Data Catalog filtered by the Database Asset type. The Connector Type and Status details also appear in the Data Catalog.

  • Click on the displayed Data Catalog.

  • A new page opens displaying more information about the Data Catalog. The Details tab opens by default.

  • Click on the Lineage tab to open the Data Lineage. This page reveals the relationship between the searched Data Catalog and the base data source.

  • The lineage tab can be expanded or collapsed by tapping on each node (as displayed below).

  • Click on the Network tab to open the network connection of the selected Data Catalog.

Check out the below-given video to see the Data Catalog feature in action.

Last updated