Saving a Global Filter
Check out the given walk-through to understand the Save Global Filter functionality.
Click the Global Filter icon.
The global filter panel opens.
Select a Dimension.
Select the specific data values from the displayed list by using the checkmarks. E.g., In this Case, teams BU 6 and BU 7 are selected.
Select the In filter condition from the drop-down.
Click the Save icon.
The Save Filter window opens.
Provide a Filter Name.
Click the SAVE option.
A confirmation message appears.
The filter gets stored under the Saved Filter tab. (The same gets notified by a message.)
Click the APPLY option to apply the selected Saved Filter.
The saved global filter condition gets applied to the concerned views.
Please Note:
After applying a Saved Filter condition, the Applied Filter icon appears on the Storyboard menu list. The user can see all the applied Global Filter conditions by clicking the Applied Filter icon from the storyboard.
Removing the Saved Filter
Click the REMOVE option from the Saved Filters window.
A confirmation window opens to remove the saved filter.
Click the YES option.
A confirmation message appears and the concerned saved filter gets removed.
Last updated