Registering a Model

Register a DSL Model from the Notebook tab

Check out the walk-through on how to register a DSL Model.

  • Navigate to the Models tab for a Notebook.

  • Select the All filter option to get the list of all below.

  • Click the Register icon for a saved model.

  • The Register Model dialog box opens.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • The concerned saved model gets registered. The name of the registered model appears in purple.

  • A notification message appears to convey the successful registering of the model.

a. The saved model also appears under the Model tab as displayed in the given image.

b. The registered model can be accessed under the DSL Model load runner component of the Data Pipeline as displayed in the below given image).

Read the DS Lab Model Runner component of the Data Pipeline user document to know more about it.

Unregistering a DSL Model

  • Navigate to the Models tab under a Notebook.

  • Select a registered model from the list.

  • Click the Unregister icon.

  • The Unregister dialog box opens.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A notification message appears to convey the success of the action.

  • The concerned model gets unregistered.

Please Note: Read the DS Lab Model Runner component of the Data Pipeline user document to know more about it.

Last updated