Data Stores List

This page aims to describe the various options provided on the Data Stores List.

Edit a Data Store

  • Select a Data Store from the Data stores list.

  • Click the View/Edit icon for that Data Store.

  • The selected Data Store opens in the editable format.

  • You can edit the permitted information from the Data Store form. (The editable information may vary based on the categories of the Data Store).

  • Click the Save option.

  • A confirmation message appears, and the selected Data Store gets updated.

Please Note: For the Database category of the Data Stores the user needs to Validate the information before saving it.

Refresh Data for a Data Store

  • Select a Data Store from the Data stores list.

  • Click the Refresh Data icon for that Data Store.

  • The Data Store Refresh dialog box opens.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A notification message appears stating that the Refresh process has been started and status notification will be provided to the user through the notification icon.

  • The user will get notified through the Notification icon when the data gets loaded.

Sharing a Data Store

This option helps the user to share a Data Store with other user(s) or user group(s). The user can also exclude a user(s) or user group(s) from the rights to access a Data Store using the Exclude User option provided under the Share Data Store dialog box.

  • Select a Data Store from the Data Stores list.

  • Click the Share icon for the selected Data Store.

  • The Share Data Store window opens.

  • The User, User group, and Exclude user tabs are provided.

  • Select User(s) or User group(s) using the user or user group tabs.

  • Use the arrow signs to move one or multiple user/user group to the right side box.

  • The selected user(s)/ user group(s) get moved to the right side box.

  • Click the Save option.

  • A confirmation message appears and the Data Store gets shared with the selected user(s)/ user group(s).

Please Note:

  • User can share the Data Store with a Single group or Multiple Groups using the user group tab. The set of the steps to share a Data Store with User Group(s) are similar to the steps mentioned above for sharing a Data Set with User(s).

  • The Exclude User tab helps to exclude the user(s) from the rights to access a Data Store, if it is already shared. Only the users who are the part of the selected user group will list under the Exclude User tab.

Push to VCS

This is the mechanism to versioning the Data Store and this will store the latest versions into the Git. While pulling the Data Store user can see the committed message of each version, so user will get more info about the committed data set.

  • Select a Data Store from the Data Stores list.

  • Click on the Push to VCS icon.

  • The Push into Version Controlling System dialog box appears.

  • Commit message – this message is saved as a label in GIT.

  • Click the Push option.

  • A confirmation message appears and the Data Store version gets pushed to the VCS.

Please Note: Commit message is a required field after giving the message only the Push option will get enabled.

Pull from VCS

  • Select a Data Store from the Data Stores list (The Data Store should ne Pushed at least once to the GIT repository).

  • Click the Pull from VCS icon for the selected Data Store.

  • The Pull from VCS dialog box appears.

  • The multiple uploaded versions of the Data Store with committed message for each version get listed as shown below:

    • Select: To select the version you want to pull.

    • Version: Version number only will list as V1, V2 etc.

    • Commits: This is to Identify the Data Store version Pulling from VCS (This is the message given while committing the data store push).

    • Commit Time – The date and time that Data Store is committed.

    • Committed By- The Username who committed the Data Store versioning.

  • Click the Pull option.

  • A confirmation message appears once the selected version of Data Store is pulled from the VCS.

Please Note: Once the user selects any version, the Pull option gets enabled.

Delete a Data Store

  • Select a Data Store from the Data Stores list page.

  • Click the Delete icon for the selected Data Store.

  • The Remove Data Store dialog box opens to confirm the deletion.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A confirmation message appears.

  • The selected Data Store gets removed from the Data Stores list.

Last updated