Series Properties

Check out a walk through on how to configure the Series Properties.

The users can configure and modify various measure related properties through the Series Properties window.

  • Navigate to the Design page for a view that has at least one selected measure value.

  • Click the Series Properties option provided next to the dragged measure.

  • The users can set the following properties from a pop-up window for a mixed chart with two measures dragged on the workspace:

    • Aggregation: Select an aggregation option from the drop-down menu (the given choices are: Sum, Min, Max, Variance, Mean, Standard Deviation, Cumulative Sum)

    • Display Name: Enter the title for the measure to be displayed in the data label

    • Series Type: Choose a series type format for the selected measure

    • Point Shape: Select a point shape from the drop-down menu (the given choices are: Cross, Cube, Hexagon, Point, Quad, Star, Triangle)

    • Line Type: Select a line type from the drop-down menu (the given choices are: Straight, Dot, Dash, Dash1)

    • Axis: Select an axis out of the given choices (the users need to enable the Secondary Value Axis to get the Axis option in the Series Properties window)

    • Color: Select the color of the chart presentation from the given menu

    • Data Label Color: Choose a color for the data label from the given menu

    • Data Label Position: Select a position to display the data label (the given choices are: Top, Middle, Bottom)

  • Click the APPLY option.

Note: The below-given image displays Series Properties for the Mixed chart type secondary axis. The selected measure properties get applied to the view.

Please Note:

  • The Series Properties may differ as per the selected chart components.

  • Users need to enable the Secondary Value Axis from the Properties tab to get the Axis field in the Series Properties.

  • Users can change or modify the view title by clicking on the edit options provided next to the view name.

  • Click the Edit icon > Modify/change the title for the selected measure or dimension > click the Checkmark icon to save the change and the Close mark icon for not to save the change.


Save View

Saves and adds the newly designed view to the Storyboard


Redirects the users to the Design workspace


Redirects the users to the Actions tab

View Filter

Opens the view specific filter panel


Redirects the users on the storyboard page

Start Tour

Begins the guided tour of the selected page


Allows users to describe the story

Full Screen/Reduce Size

Displays the full-screen view Or Reduces the display of the screen

Last updated