Email Server

The administrator can configure the email server information using this admin option to get email alerts for new Forms and Business Story alerts.

  • Click the Email Server option from the Configurations list.

  • The Email Server Settings page opens.

  • Provide the required information to configure the Email Server Settings.

    • Email Host: SMTP host address

    • Email Port: Port number of SMTP

    • Encryption Type: Select an encryption type from the drop-down menu.

    • Email From: Enter authenticated credentials of the sender.

    • Email Password: Provide the password

    • Email Username: Name that gets displayed to the receivers

  • Configure the following alert options for email by putting checkmarks:

    • Disable email sending: By selecting this option, email alert gets disabled

    • Send test email by selecting this message a test mail is sent.

    • Send email to perform the tasks such as publish/share/copy to documents: By enabling this option email alert gets shared for publishing, share and copy to actions of the documents.

  • Select a Domain from the given options (All/Selected Domains)

  • A notification message appears to assure that the saved email server details are updated.

Last updated