Date-based View Filter

Check out the walk-through on how to filter a View based on Date values.

Date-based filter applied to a View

The users can apply Date based View Filter by selecting the Date Values from the Data Store.

The user can provide two kinds of conditions on the Date values: 1. Between, and 2. Relative


  • Click the Filter icon on the Design page.

  • The Filter panel opens, displaying all the available filter values.

  • Select a dimension or measure containing Date values to filter the view.

  • Choose the Between option from the drop-down menu.

  • Provide the From and To dates.

  • Click the Apply icon.

Applying Date-based View Filter
  • The View Filter icon gets highlighted.

  • The selected view gets filtered as per the applied filter conditions.

The View gets modified based on the applied Date filter


  • Click the Filter icon on the Design page.

  • The Filter panel opens.

  • Select a Date value as the filter condition.

  • Choose the Relative option from the drop-down.

  • Insert a period by selecting the required values.

    • The user gets the Last and This under the drop-down menu to select the past or present time zone.

    • There are 4 categories of time pointers provided in another drop-down menu, which allow the user to select a value out of Years/ Months/Weeks/Days. E.g., the below-given image displays the Last 5 years as the selected time condition.

  • Click the Apply icon.

Applying the Date-based View filter value
  • The View Filter icon gets highlighted.

  • The selected view gets filtered based on the applied conditions.

Please Note: The same set of steps can be used to apply the Global filter based on the date values.

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