Register a Model

Publish a DSL Model from the Model tab

Check out the walk-through to Register a DSL model to the Data Pipeline (from the Model tab).

Registering a Model from the Model tab

You can deploy a saved DSL model to the Data Pipeline plugin by using the Model tab.

  • Navigate to the Model tab.

  • Select a model (unregistered model) from the list.

  • Click the Register icon for the model.

Registering a model from the Model tab
  • The Deploy to Pipeline dialog box appears to confirm the action.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • The selected model gets published and deployed to the Data Pipeline (It disappears from the Unpublished model list).

  • A notification message appears to inform the same.

A confirmation message after the Model gets registered.
  • The model gets listed under the Registered model list.

The Model list displaying the Registered Models

Please Note: The Register option provided under the Notebook tab and Model tab perform the same task.

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