Dashboard Version Control

Check out the walk-through on how to use the Version Control functionality for the Dashboards.

Pushing a Dashboard to VCS

  • Click the Manage option.

  • Select and open a Workspace from the list of Workspaces.

  • Select a dashboard from the dashboard list.

  • Click the Push to VCS icon for the selected dashboard.

  • The Push into Version Controlling System dialog box opens.

  • Provide a commit message.

  • Select a Push Type out of Dashboard Versioning and GIT Export

  • Click the Push option.

  • A Confirmation message appears and the selected dashboard version gets pushed to VCS.

Pull from the VCS

  • Click the Manage option.

  • Select and open a Workspace from the list of Workspaces.

  • Select a dashboard from the dashboard list.

  • Click the Pull from VCS icon for the selected dashboard.

  • The Pull from Version Controlling System dialog box opens.

  • Select a Version by using the given checkbox.

  • Click the Pull option.

  • A confirmation message appears and the selected version of the dashboard gets pulled.