Inverted Funnel

Inverted Funnel charts are a great way to track progress through a workflow with multiple steps. They can highlight how well a process is being followed and easily identify any bottlenecks.

The users can invert the funnel chart to see things from a different point of view. It widens at the bottom and narrows at the top pinpointing the various phases in a classified structure. This chart can be used to see the hierarchical structure of an organization or distribution process of fund/salary/profit etc.

Best Situations to Use a Column chart

To display hierarchical pattern

Example: To categorize the administrative structure in an organization

Default Chart Image

Properties of the Inverted Funnel Chart


The user can change the height, width, top, left, chart type, column type & Line form. In this case, we have changed the chart type to Inverted & Identical Stack.

  • The user can change the height, width, together with left and right placing of the chart on the canvas.

  • The user needs to put a checkmark for the Initial Visibility option to avail the preview at the first time.

  • Use the Max Button to maximize the chart separately.

  • The user can also enable the Show Percentage to show percentage on the chart.

  • The user can select Chart Type using the General properties. The supported chart types are Inverted Funnel and Identical Stack.


The user who wants to show the description of the series can use the tooltip by enabling it.

  • The user can show the description of the series and get the tooltip by clicking the Show Tool Tip option.

    • The Tool Tip Configuration window opens.

    • Select any Tool Tip option. The supported Tool Tip is None, Default, Custom.

    • Click the Save option.

  • The user can set and modify Background Color, Opacity, Border Color, Tooltip Font Size related properties using these properties fields.

  • It is also possible to select Box Width and Precision option from the Tooltip properties.

  • Use the Highlighter option to get the bar color indication in the tooltip.

Please Note: The Custom option for Tool Tip Configuration opens with the following framework to configure a Tooltip.


  • Users can change the background color of the chart.

  • These properties fields help to get the border for the chart and change the border color.

  • Get the reflection of the chart by enabling the Shadow option. The user can change the Shadow Color, increase and decrease the transparency of the shadow as well.


The user can change Title Name, Font color, size, style, etc.

  • The user can enable or disable the Title Box and Title by using this properties field.

  • The user can change Title Name, Font color, Font size, Font style, etc.

  • By enabling the Show Dataset Description, the X Axis description will be taken from the mapped data fields.


The user can enable the subtitle if there is any second title the user can modify it.

  • The user can enable the Show Sub Title if it is required.

  • These properties fields will help to enable or disable the Subtitle, Provide description if it has been enabled and set the font related properties for the same.

  • Select various Font related properties such as Font Color, Font Size, Font Style, Font Weight, Font Family.

  • The users can also set the display alignment of the Subtitle and select any text decoration option from the given drop-down menu.


  • The user can enable or disable internal legend in the chart.

  • The Font related properties such as Font Color, Font Weight, Font Size, Font Family, Font Style can be set and modified using this properties fields.

  • The user can also select a Text Decoration option for the Legend.

  • Put a check mark in the Hide on Load checkbox to hide the Legend while loading the chart.


  • The user can show Y-Axis values in units such as %.

  • The user can set the Precision option to get the value in decimal format.

  • The Currency option helps to select the currency value in INR, Pound, and USD.

  • The Position of the currency displays the selected currency symbol in prefix or suffix.

    • For example, if the Currency symbol is rupees and the prefix option is selected, then it will be displayed on the left side. Likewise, the suffix displays the selected currency symbol on the right side.

  • The Number Formatter helps to choose whether the user wants it in Indian or International format.

Export Options

The Export Options also helps to provide heading, subheading, file name. The user can also select an option for Global Export Type.

By enabling the Enable Context Menu the user gets a context menu with various export options to download the report in the Preview mode.

Dataset Series Properties

Inverted Funnel chart variants

Inverted Chart

Identical Stack Chart

Sample Data

Download the given sample data and map it as mentioned below to plot your Inverted Funnel chart.

  • Use the Stage column as Category field, and Count column as Series to plot data.

Last updated