Alerts in Grids

Check out the walk-through given below on how to display Alerts in the Grid charting component.

  • Drag and drop the grid component.

  • Assign a data connection to it.

  • Select the field.

  • Change the Column Type for that field to Numeric to which indicator has to be applied.

  • Click on the Indicator tab to configure alert settings.

  • Configure the following Alert properties:

  • Show Alert: Enable this option to view the alerts on scorecards

  • Alert Column: The column on which alerts should be applied.

  • Alert by: There are 3 options to view alerts:

    • Comparison: To compare a column against the value given in the Compare Value box.

    • Range: To set the color based on where the column’s value falls within a given range.

    • Static Comparison: Used to compare a column against static values given in the Value text area.

  • Custom Properties: Configuration for Comparison and Alert options are given here.

  • Click the Save option to save the alert configuration for the selected field value.

  • Show Data: Enable this option to view the data.

  • Click on the Preview icon to view the applied alerts in the Grid.