Check out the walk-through given below on how to apply an Indictor to a charting component in the Designer.
Drag and drop chart component.
Associate category and series fields to the chart component.
There are two types of indicators in the chart component:
Category Indicator
Series Indicator
Select the category field & navigate to the indicator tab.
Click on the “+” icon to create a new indicator.
Add the Category value and change the color based on the required conditions.
The created Category Indicator gets displayed in the preview mode as shown below:
Select the series field & navigate to the indicator tab.
Click on the “+” icon to create a new indicator.
An indicator dialog box appears with the required conditions.
Operator: Multiple comparators are available for choosing the comparison process.
Fixed Value Comparison: By enabling this, we can compare a Compared Field against static values given in the Compare to text area.
Fixed Value Comparison: By disabling this, we can compare a Compared Field against field values given in the Compare to field.
The created Indicator conditions get added.
The applied series Indicators appears in the preview mode of a Bar chart as given below:
Please Note: If the Category indicator is applied, the series indicator is not considered.