Decision Tree
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Check out the walk-through to use the Decision Tree chart component in the Designer module.
A Decision Tree chart that helps determine a course of action or show a statistical probability. The chart is called a decision tree due to its resemblance to the namesake plant, usually outlined as an upright or a horizontal diagram that branches out.
The Decision Tree chart is made up of various nodes. It contains three types of nodes: Decision nodes, chance nodes, and outcome nodes. Starting from the Decision node, each branch of the Decision Tree represents a possible decision, outcome, or reaction. The furthest branches on the tree represent the results of a certain decision pathway and are called the "leaves".
To classify the data based on a condition
To display continuous nodes as endpoints in a Regression Tree
Some examples where Decision Tree may be used:
To predict the Customer's action/reaction
To forecast Stock market movements
Component Name: The unique identifier for the Decision Tree chart.
Left: The position of the chart from the left edge of the containing element.
Top: The position of the chart from the top edge of the containing element.
Height: The vertical dimension of the chart.
Width: The horizontal dimension of the chart.
Initial Visibility: Whether the chart is visible when initially rendered.
Max Button: Indicates if a button is available to maximize the chart.
Show Tool Tip: Enable or disable the display of tooltips on the chart.
Click the Show Tool Tip icon to access the Tool Tip Configuration window.
Select the Default option.
Click the Save option to display Tool Tip in the default display.
Background Color: Choose the background color of the tooltip.
Opacity: The transparency level of the tooltip's background.
Border Color: Choose the color of the border around the tooltip.
Tooltip Font Size: Set the font size of the displayed text within the tooltip.
Gradient Rotation: The angle at which the gradient background is applied to the chart.
Opacity: The transparency level of the chart's background.
Gradient: The type and direction of the gradient fill used in the background.
Click the Gradient icon to access the Background gradient colors window for selecting background gradient colors.
Click the Add Color option to insert more colors.
Click the Save option to save the selected background colors.
Border: The style or type of border surrounding the chart.
Border Color: The color of the border surrounding the chart.
Border Radius: The curvature of the chart's corners.
Shadow: Enable the shadow effect on the chart by marking the given checkbox.
Shadow Color: The color of the shadow effect.
Enable Context Menu: Activate a right-click context menu for quick access to export options in the preview mode of the chart.
Export Excel: Save the chart data in an Excel file format (.xlsx).
Export CSV: Export the chart data to a CSV file format (.csv).
Export JPEG: Export the chart as a JPEG image (.jpg).
Export PNG: Export the chart as a PNG image (.png).
Export PPT: Export the chart to a PowerPoint presentation (.pptx).
Export PDF: Export the chart as a PDF document (.pdf).
Show Print: Include an option to print the chart directly.
Export Heading: Add a custom heading to the exported file.
Export Sub Heading: Add a custom subheading to the exported file.
Export File Name: Specify the file name for the exported file/dashboard.
Global Export Type: Define the default export format using the drop-down (e.g., Screenshot, Tabular).
The user can get the Export Context Menu from the preview mode to download the reports in different export formats.
Use the Styling Properties to customize the look and feel of the Decision Tree chart. Here are some key properties you can adjust:
Node Color: Change the color of the notes in the chart.
Node Transparency: Adjust the transparency level of the nodes.
Node Border Color: Set the color of the borders around each node.
Node Opacity: Control the opacity of the nodes.
Percent Box Color: Define the color for the percentage boxes.
Percent Box Opacity: Adjust the opacity of the percentage boxes.
Percent Border Opacity: Set the opacity for the borders of the percentage boxes.
Line Color: Change the color of the lines connecting nodes.
Line Opacity: Adjust the opacity of the connecting lines.
Font Color: Customize the color of the text.
Font Family: Set the font style for the chart text.
Download the given sample data and map it as mentioned below to plot your Decision chart:
The Data has been selected for specific fields based on their names
Box Width: Select an option from the drop-down to display the width of the tooltip box.
Shadow Transparency: Set the transparency level of the shadow effect.