
This page describe how to delete an pipeline or restore a deleted pipeline using the Trash option.

Check out the given illustration on how to use the Trash option provided on the Pipline homepage left menu panel.

  • Navigate to the Pipeline Homepage to access the left side menu panel.

  • Click the Trash icon.

  • The Trash List page opens listing all the deleted pipelines by a user from a user specific account.

  • The user gets two options to be applied on these pipelines.

    • Delete

    • Restore

Please Note: Based on the selected option, the related action will be taken on the concerned pipeline.

Permanently Deleting a Pipeline

  • Navigate to the Trash page.

  • Select a Pipeline.

  • Click the Delete icon for the selected Pipeline.

  • The Delete Pipeline dialog box opens.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • The Delete Pipeline Confirmation dialog box opens.

  • Click the Delete Anyway option.

  • A notification message appears and the Pipeline Permanently gets deleted for the user.

Please Note: The Trash page at present displays only those pipelines which are deleted by the logged in user from the Pipeline Editor page by a user.

Restoring a Pipeline

  • Navigate to the Trash page.

  • Select a Pipeline.

  • Click the Restore icon for the selected Pipeline.

  • The Recover Pipeline dialog box opens.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A notification message appears.

  • The Pipeline gets recovered and lists in the Pipeline List.