Using a Code Cell

Write & Run Code in a Notebook.

You can write and execute code using the Notebook interface. This section covers the steps to write and run a sample code in the Code cell of the Data Science Notebook.

Check out the given walk-through on how to use a Code Cell under a .ipynb file.

Running a Code cell with a code

Please Note: A Code cell gets added by default while creating a new .ipynb file. The above-given video displays inserting a new code cell to introduce the user to another way to insert a code cell.

Running Code inside a Code Cell

  • Create a new .ipynb file, and open it.

  • A cell to write and execute code opens under the selected .ipynb file by default.

  • Write code inside the cell.

  • Click the Run cell icon to run the code.

Please Note: The Code cells also get code from the selected Notebook operations by using the right-side panel and selecting a specific option. E.g., The user can use the Datasets tab to get an added data set to the code cell.

  • The Run cell button is changed into the Interrupt cell icon while running the code.

  • Once the code has run successfully a checkmark appears below the Run cell icon.

  • The code result is displayed below it.

  • Another code cell gets added below (as shown in the following image).

  • Click the Save icon provided for the Notebook.

  • A notification message appears to indicate the completion of the action.

  • The Notebook status gets changed as saved and the new updates get saved in it.

​Various Options provided to a Code Cell

By clicking on an inserted Code cell, some code-related options are displayed as shown in the image:

Sl. No.


Move the cell up

Moves the cell upwards


Move the cell down

Moves the cell downwards


Delete Cell

Deletes the code cell.


More Actions

Opens four more actions that include:

Transform, Save Model, Predict, and Save artifact.

Please Note:

  • The +Code, +Markdown, and +Assist options are provided at the bottom of a cell insert a new cell after the given code/ Markdown cell.

  • Refer to the Data Science Lab Quick Start Flow page to get an overview of the Data Science Lab module in a nutshell.

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