Notebook Version Control
Easily maintain multiple versions of a Notebook in GIT Lab.
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Easily maintain multiple versions of a Notebook in GIT Lab.
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Pre-requisite: Make sure that the Version control settings for the DSL plugin are configured by your administrator before you use this functionality.
Check out a walk-through on the Version Control Functionality for Notebook.
Select a Notebook from the displayed Notebook list.
Select the Ellipsis icon to open the Actions context menu.
Click the Push into VCS option for the Notebook.
The Push into Version Controlling System dialog box appears.
Provide a Commit Message.
Click the Push option.
A notification message appears to inform the success of the action. The Notebook version gets pushed to the VCS.
Navigate to the Notebook list given under a Project.
Click the Ellipsis icon to open the Notebook Actions
Click the Pull from VCS option for the Notebook.
The Pull from Version Controlling System dialog box opens.
Select the version that you wish to pull by using the checkbox.
Click the Pull option.
A notification message appears to inform the success of the action.
The pulled version of the selected Notebook gets updated in the Notebook list.
Please Note:
The Push into VCS and Pull from VCS options are also used while working with a Pulled Notebook. Refer to the Pull from Git page provided under the Import Notebook section of the documentation to know it in detail.
Refer the Data Science Lab Quick Start Flow page to get an overview of the Data Science Lab module in nutshell.