Notebook List

The Notebook List gets created on the left side of the Notebook interface. All the created and saved Notebooks will be listed here with Actions icons.

Accessing the Notebook List

  • Open the Notebook tab.

  • The left side panel will display the created/ saved Notebook entries with the Actions icons.

  • The Notebook list also contains a Search bar to search through the available Notebooks.

Please Note: The Notebook list will be blank for the user, incase of a new Project until the first Notebook is created.

Collapsing the Notebook List

  • Navigate to the Notebook List.

  • Click the Collapse icon.

  • The Notebook List will be collapsed.

  • Click the Expand icon to expand the Notebook List.

Please Note: Refer the Data Science Lab Quick Start Flow page to get an overview of the Data Science Lab module in nutshell.

Last updated