Operations for an .ipynb File

This section aims at describing the various operations for a Data Science Notebook available under the TensorFlow or PyTorch environment.

A Data Science Notebook created under the PyTorch or TensorFlow environment will contain the following operations:

  • ​Datasets: Add datasets and get a list of all the added datasets.

  • ​Secrets: You can generate Environment Variables to save your confidential information from getting exposed.

  • Utility: You can import Utility scripts by using this tab. It also lists the imported scripts.

  • Files: ​Create Data folders and create/upload files into the dedicated Data Sandbox location.

  • ​Variable Explorer: Get detailed information of Variables declared inside a Notebook.

  • Writers: Write the output of the DSL experiments into the supported range of the database writers.

  • ​Find and Replace: You can search for a specific text inside your code and replace it if needed.

Please Note: Refer the Data Science Lab Quick Start Flow page to get an overview of the Data Science Lab module in nutshell.

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