Job Alerts

The Alert feature in the job allows users to send an alert message to the specified channel (Teams or Slack) in the event of either the success or failure of the configured job. Users can also choose both success and failure options to send an alert for the configured job.

Configuring Job Alert when Teams is selected as channel

  • Webhook URL: Provide the Webhook URL of the selected channel group where the Alert message needs to be sent.

  • Type: Message Card. (This field will be Pre-filled)

  • Theme Color: Enter the Hexadecimal color code for ribbon color in the selected channel. Please refer the image given at the bottom of this page for the reference.

  • Sections: In this tab, the following fields are there:

    • Activity Title: This is the title of the alert which has to be to sent on the Teams channel. Enter the Activity Title as per the requirement.

    • Activity Subtitle: Enter the Activity Subtitle. Please refer the image given at the bottom of this page for the reference.

    • Text: Enter the text message which should be sent along with Alert.

Configuring Job Alert when Slack is selected as channel

  • Webhook URL: Provide the Webhook URL of the selected channel group where the Alert message needs to be sent.

  • Attachments: In this tab, the following fields are there:

    • Title: This is the title of the alert which has to be to sent on the selected channel. Enter the Activity Title as per the requirement.

    • Color: Enter the Hexadecimal color code for ribbon color in the Slack channel. Please refer the image given at the bottom of this page for the reference.

    • Text: Enter the text message which should be sent along with Alert.

    • Footer: The "Footer" typically refers to additional information or content appended at the end of a message in a Slack channel. This can include details like a signature, contact information, or any other supplementary information that you want to include with your message. Footers are often used to provide context or additional context to the message content.

    • Footer Icon: In Slack, the footer icon refers to an icon or image that is displayed at the bottom of a message or attachment. The footer icon can be a company logo, an application icon, or any other image that represents the entity responsible for the message. Enter image URL as the value of Footer icon.

      • Follow these steps to set the Footer icon in Slack:

        1. Go to the desired image that has to be used as the footer icon.

          1. Right-click on the image.

          2. Select the 'Copy image address' to get the image URL.

        Now, the obtained image URL can be used as the value for the footer icon in Slack.

    Sample image URL for Footer icon:

Sample Hexadecimal Color code which can be used in Job Alert.

Blue: #0000FF
Red: #FF0000
Yellow: #FFFF00
Green: #008000
Black: #000000

Last updated