Rule Splitter

Rule splitter component is designed to splits a set of data based on given conditions into smaller and more manageable data subsets.

All component configurations are classified broadly into 3 section

Follow the steps given in the demonstration to configure the Rule Splitter component.

Configuring Meta Information of Rule Splitter Component

  • Number of outputs: The total number of sets you want to split your data into(1-7).

  • Event Relation

    • Out Event: Automatically mapped based on number of outputs(Make sure to connect this component to same count of events to that of a numbers of outputs).

    • Conditions: Set of rules based on which the split will happen.

      • Column Name: Provide column name to apply the condition on.

      • Condition: Select the condition from the dropdown.

        • We have 8 supported conditions:

          1. >(Greater than)

          2. <(Less than)

          3. >=(Greater than equal to)

          4. <=(Less than equal to)

          5. ==(Equal to)

          6. !=(Not equal to)

          7. BETWEEN

          8. LIKE

        • Value: Give the value.

        • Datatype: Specify the datatype of the column you have provided.

        • Rule Condition: In case of multiple column conditions select from dropdown(AND,OR).

Please Note: The user will not be able to copy and paste Rule Splitter component in the pipeline as the Copy option has been disabled for Rule Splitter.

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