Timeline Play

The user can avail a timeline play for a saved View that contains time value.

The user can access the Timeline play for a saved View from the Report. This feature allows the users to see the data changes over time.


In order to utilize the Timeline Play feature, it's essential to have at least one Time dimension within the chosen Data Store. This time element should be linked to the relevant View during the configuration of Timeline Play.

Check out the below-given walk-through on the Timeline Play functionality.

Steps to apply Timeline Play action:

  • Navigate to the final screen for a report.

  • Select a View.

  • Click the Analyse icon.

  • The View gets opened in the Analyse mode.

  • Click the Timeline Play icon.

  • The Timeline Play window opens.

  • Fill in the required information in the Timeline Play window:

    • Time Dimension

    • Date Interval

    • Date Type

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Time Delay

  • Click the Start option.

  • The timeline play gets displayed for the selected time period. The given images displays day wise

E.g., the below image displays data for the date 6th November 2017.

E.g., the following image displays data for the date 18th November 2017.

  • After all the selected Timeline values get played, the Resume icon gets changed into Replay.

Please Note: