Sankey chart

A Sankey diagram is a visualization used to depict a flow from one set of values to another. The things being connected are called nodes and the connections are called links.

Check out the walk-through on how to configure properties of the Sankey chart.

Best Situations to Use Sankey chart

  • To show a many-to-many mapping between two domains.

  • To display multiple paths through a set of stages.

Example: To show mapping on Energy and Resource Flows.


You can access the chart-specific properties from the Design page. It gets listed under the Chart Properties icon on the right-top panel.

General Settings

  • Exclude Global Filter: The view gets excluded from the Global Filter condition by putting a checkmark in the box.

  • Style: Select a style to display the data (the provided choices for this field are Gradient, Source, Target).

    • Gradient: The color pattern will be gradient from source to target

    • Source: The color pattern will be from the source to near of target one & for the target another color.

    • Target: The color pattern will be one for the source & up to the target end another color given.

  • Animation- If the Animation option is enabled, the View will display in an animated format or if disabled it will be static at the position.

  • Label Font Size: This is applicable for the labels from 0 to 25, by default label size will be 10

  • Label Font Style: There are 2 types Normal & Italic which will reflect to label

  • Label Font Weight: This is of 5 types: Normal, Bold, 300,600,900. Changes will be seen to the labels

  • Line Opacity: This will define the opacity of the links connecting the nodes, the value should be less than or equal to 1

  • Node Gap: This is to define the gap between nodes (interlink lines) from 0 to 20, by default it will be 8

  • Show Percent Value: This will show the percentage value of actual data if the checkbox is enabled or the actual value of data if the checkbox is disabled.

  • Show Tooltip: If the checkbox is enabled, tooltip will come & vice versa

View Filter

  • Select a Filter value from the given drop-down menu to use as a View Filter.


  • Show Random Color: When the checkbox is disabled it will show the color given on “Level wise color” properties & if enabled it will show random multiple colors.

  • Label Font Color: Select a Label Font Color using the color pallet.

  • Level Wise Color: This is to show the color of the chart as per user requirements.


  • Text: Provide any information regarding the chart. If any digit or character is required to be highlighted, put it inside two asterisks. (E.g., *70%* or *skills*).

  • Font Size: Set/modify Font Size of the Insights text.

  • Font Color: Select a Font color for the Insights Text.

  • Text align: There are three alignments to align the text.

    • Left

    • Right

    • Centre

  • Position: There are two options to position the text.

    • Bottom

    • Right​​

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