Order by and Limit

Check out the given walk-through to understand the Order by and Limit functions for a View.

Steps to perform Order By and Limit on a View using the New UI

  • Select the desired dimensions and measures from the context menu.

  • Click the Go option to create an instant View.

  • The Mixed chart gets selected by default to present the dragged data values.

  • Select the Order By option from the context menu.

  • Select either Ascending or Descending order from the context menu by the next click.

  • Select a measure or dimension value that appears in the context menu on the next click.

  • Based on the selected order the View will display the changes.

Steps to perform Order By and Limit on a View using the Old UI

  • Drag and Drop the desired dimensions and measures to create an instant view.

  • The Mixed chart gets selected by default to present the dragged data values.

  • Click the Chart Properties icon.

  • By default, the None option gets selected for the Order field.

  • The user gets the following options to display the selected data in a particular order.

    • None

    • Ascending

    • Descending

    • Manual Sort

  • The Order By and Limit options get displayed if the selected Order option is either Ascending or Descending.

    • Order By: Select an option from the drop-down list to set the order of the view (the dragged dimension and measure display in the Order By drop-down list)

    • Limit: Insert a number to limit the displayed dimension and measured values.

  • The View gets filtered with the provided order by and limit configurations. E.g., the following View displays 6 records of Sum of experience by Teams in the Ascending manner.

  • Click the Save icon to save the View to a Report.

  • The selected View gets saved to a Report.

  • The view-specific Sort By option is provided on the final Report screen where a View has been saved.

  • The user can select any of the available options to change the order of that View by selecting the Sort By option. E.g., the Count of Skills shown in the Descending order using the Sort By.

  • The View displays data in the Descending manner as applied by using the Sort By option.

Please Note: This feature does not work for KPI tile, Semi Gauge, Map, Treemap Chart, and Metric Summary.

Manual Sort

Check out the given illustration on the Manual Sort functionality.

The users can manually sort a view by choosing the customized order they require. They can save the customized order and reuse it whenever required.

  • Navigate to the Design workspace/ Story Canvas.

  • Choose any combination of one Dimension and Measure to get a graphical display of the View.

  • By default, the None order option gets selected).

  • Select the Manual Sort option using the Order drop-down icon.

  • Click the new icon that appears for Manual Sort.

  • The Manual Sort window opens.

  • Select the Create New tab.

  • Choose a Category from the drop-down menu. Selected Dimension appears here to be selected again.

  • Enter a title for the Order Name.

  • Arrange the Values by dragging them up or down to arrange them in required order. Use the arrows given next to the selected Value to put them at the top or bottom of the list.

  • Click the Save & Apply option after arranging the fields in the desired order.

  • The View columns get displayed in the selected Manual Sort order.

Please Note: The Saved tab lists all the saved Orders by the user. Follow the below-given steps to use a saved order.

Applying a Saved Manual Order

  • Navigate to the Manual Sort window.

  • Open the Saved tab.

  • The dragged Dimension appears in the drop-down menu.

  • Select a saved order out of the displayed options.

  • Click the Apply option.

Please Note: The users also have the option to edit the saved Manual Sort by clicking on the Edit option under the Saved tab.

  • The selected saved manual sort gets applied to the current view.

Hidden By

The user can apply the Order By option based on a hidden Dimension.

Applying Hidden By order in the Old UI

The user can use the old UI and drag a dimension value to the specified place for the Hidden dimension.

  • Navigate to the Design canvas.

  • Select a combination of dimension and measure from the context menu.

  • A View appears based on the selected Dimension and Measure.

  • Select a Dimension from the displayed list of dimensions and measures and drag it to the Hide.

  • Open the Chart Properties window.

  • Navigate to General Settings tab.

  • Open the Order By options by using the drop-down option.

  • The selected Hidden dimension gets appeared in the context menu. E.g., In the following image the gender option is selected as an Order By option.

  • Select an order (Ascending or Descending) by using the Order field. the selected option in the following image is Descending.

  • Select a limit by using by Limit field.

  • The View gets displayed based on the applied hidden dimension in the set order and limit.

Applying Hidden By order in the New UI

The user can use the next click after selecting a Dimension and Measure combination to create an instant View.

  • Navigate to the Design canvas.

  • Select a combination of dimension and measure from the context menu.

  • Click the GO option.

  • A View appears based on the selected Dimension and Measure.

  • Use next click to avail the hideBy option in the context menu.

  • Use the next click to select the dimension that is to be used as hidden.

  • Click the GO option.

  • The View will get ordered by the selected Dimension.

  • The user needs to select few more options to apply a hidden dimension to Order By the View display (as suggested below):

    • Select the Order by option.

    • Select Ascending or Descending order.

    • For applying limit either type in the top bar or use the Chart Properties window.

  • Click the GO option.

  • The View gets displayed in the set order using a hidden dimension (In this case, the selected hidden dimension is gender).

  • The following image displays the View ordered by a hidden dimension in the Descending order.