Heat Map chart

Check out the given illustration on Heat Map Properties.

Heat Map Chart, or Heatmap is a two-dimensional visual representation of data, where values are encoded in colors, delivering a convenient, insightful view of information.​

Essentially, this chart type is a data table with rows and columns denoting different sets of categories. Each cell in the table can contain a numerical or logical value that determines the cell color based on a given color palette. ​

​Best Situations to Use a Heat Map chart: ​

Funnel charts are suitable for displaying sales conversation data.​


  • To evaluate the success of a promotional campaign​

  • To analyze the recruitment process​


General Settings​

  • Exclude Global Filter: The view gets excluded from the Global Filter condition by putting a checkmark in the box.​

  • Animation: Chart animation is a technique used to enhance the visual appeal of a chart by adding movement and transition effects.​

  • Base Type: This option will give the visual appeal of a chart by adding some color gradients to the cells.​

    • Plain ​

    • Gradient 1​

    • Gradient 2​

    • Gradient 3​

  • Opacity: Opacity is a property of an object's style that determines its level of transparency. It is typically represented as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being completely opaque.​

  • Show Text on Cell: Data label gets displayed by using a checkmark in the given box,​ its always show in the cell.​​

    • Text Color: Select the text color.

    • Text Font Size: Set the Font Size of the text displayed in the cell.

  • Show Legend: By enabling this option Legend gets displayed.

  • Frequency Bar: By enabling this option the Frequency Bar gets displayed on the right side of the chart.

Frequency Range

  • Use the Add Range option to add new range in the Heat Map chart.

    • Pre-selected to and from limits will be also added the newly added range.

View Filter

  • Filter: Select a filter value from the drop-down menu.

Category Axis​

  • Title: Provide a title for the X axis. ​

  • Axis Label: Enable the Category Axis label by putting a checkmark in the box.​

  • Label Angle: Select a display angle for the axis label.​

Value Axis

  • Title: Provide a title for the Primary Value Axis.​

  • Axis Label: Enable the Primary Value Axis label by putting a checkmark in the box.​

  • Format Type: Select a desired format type from the drop-down menu (the provided options for this field are: None, Auto, Percent, Thousand, Lacs, Crore, Million, Billion, Trillion, Quadrillion).

  • Currency Type: Select a currency symbol to be displayed in the view (the provided options for this field are: None, Rupees, Euro, Pound, USD, Yen, Cent).

  • Precision: Set the after-decimal value (It displays up to 5 precision)​


  • Text: Provide any information regarding the chart. If any digit or character is required to be highlighted, put it inside two asterisks. (E.g., *70%* or *skills*).

  • Font Size: Set/modify Font Size of the Insights text.

  • Font Color: Select a Font color for the Insights Text.

  • Text align: There are three alignments to align the text.

    • Left

    • Right

    • Centre

  • Position: There are two options to position the text.

    • Bottom

    • Right

Last updated