
  • New Charting Components:

  • Dissolution Tree: Chart Properties are updated with the standard BizViz font type.

  • A Data Profiling option has been introduced:

    • For Dimension: Total Unique Count, Total Duplicate Count, Top 5 based on decreasing order of the Duplicate Count.

    • For Measure: Total Duplicate Count, Minimum, Maximum, Average, Sum, Variance, Standard Deviation, and Top 5 based on decreasing order of the Duplicate Count.

    • For Time- Minimum Date and Maximum date

  • UI Updates for Charts:

    • The chart padding is updated from the Left, Right, and Bottom sides.

    • Provided the customizable Legend Font Size option.

    • Export Option: The Export as JEPG Image and Export as PNG Image options are provided in the Analyze mode for a view.

  • Distinguish between Datastores:

    • Distinguish between instances and scheduler-based data stores.

    • Distinguish between the Active and Expired instances.

  • Formula Field Editor enhancements:

    • Provided a Search option to look for the drop-down for fields, Operations, and Functions.

    • Provided a sample on how to use Formula Editor in the available space in the Formula Editor.

  • Enhanced the UI experience of the Create New Story option.

Check out the given Video link to get an overview of the latest features of the Story module.

Last updated