Creating and Updating Instance
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Prerequisite: Please make sure that the Data Store Settings has been configured from the Admin module to access the Instance functionality for the Data Store inside a Story.
Check out the given walk-through on how to create an Instance based or Personalized Story.
The Create Instance option is used to load the data for the first time from the datastore into Elastic or MongoDB server as the configuration done in the Admin Module for Datastore Settings. The Time to Live for the data will be of 1-30 days.
Navigate to the Data Store list inside a Create New Story dialog box.
Select the Personalized Data Store Category.
Select a Data Store from the Create New Story page.
Click the Create Instance icon for the selected Data Store (The Create Instance option appears in case of the newly created Data Stores).
The Data Store instance page opens the selected Data Store.
Provide the Time to Live value in days. The maximum set Time to Live limit is 30 days.
Click the Refresh option.
A confirmation message appears to update the Data Store details.
Click the Save option.
Navigate back to the Data Store list and to the specific Data Store from the displayed list under a Story.
The Create Instance option gets updated with the no. of days.
The permitted Time to Live limit for a Data Store is only 30 days (maximum). If it goes above that, data will not be there in the Story. Hence, the user can manually update the instance. The Days Left column will highlight such condition as flashing Expire status in the red color. Click the user gets redirected to update the instance for the selected Data Store so the data will be refreshed again in the ES or MongoDB.
Navigate to the Create New Story page.
Select a Data Store from the Personalised category that has been expired.
Click on the Data Store.
The Time to Live (TTL) option appears.
Mention no. of days (up to 30 days is allowed for TTL)
Click the Refresh option.
A notification message appears.
The Data Store gets refreshed, and the inserted no. of days get reflected under the Days Left column.
Please Note: The user can distinguish between Datastores:
Distinguish between instances and scheduler-based data stores.
Distinguish between the Active and Expired instances.
The Expired Data Stores are mentioned with the Expired Status.