Map Chart

The Map chart is used to position data in a geographical context. Multiple layers are included to cover various information. The users can specify which layer to be marked as an interactive layer as it is the only layer wherein items can be marked.

Best Situations to Use a Map chart

To display widely spread data or processes in the geographical setup.

Default Chart Image

Properties of the Map chart

  • Background: The user can change the background color of the chart, get the border for the chart, and change the border color. Get the reflection of the chart by enabling the shadow option and also change the color, increase or decrease the transparency of the shadow.

  • Export Options: The user can enable the 'Enable Context Menu’ from the preview section to download the reports in different formats. The user can change the heading and subheading of the downloaded charts and the name of the downloaded files from the Export context menu.

  • General: The user can change the height, width, top, and left values. The user can select the map type out of SVG and leaflet. The user can select a different map by selecting a continent name e.g., Asia. The user can also change the Geometry type to marker, change the default color, rollover color, and give the color Range, etc. using the General Properties.

  • Subtitle: The user can enable the subtitle to display the second title. The user can change the Name, Font color, size, style for the subtitle.

  • Title: The user can change Title Name, Font color, size, style, etc.

  • Tooltip: The user can show the description of the series can use the tooltip by enabling it.

General Properties:

Title Properties:

Sub Title Properties:

Tooltip Properties

Map Chart with SVG Type

Map Chart with Leaflet Type

Leaflet Auto Zoom

The user can use the Auto-zoom functionality to cover all the markers in the map component. This functionality is available in zoom-in map (Leaflet) based on number of markers and their placed positions so that all markers must be visible at that zoom-in level.

Leaflet Trip/Trail – Property - Line Type

The Line Type property is provided in the General tab for the Trip and Trail Geometry type Leaflet maps.

The user can show Trip/ Trail map lines in any of the following three categories:

  1. Straight Line

  2. Dotted Line

  3. Dashed Line

Leaflet Trip Type Straight Line Map

Leaflet Trip Type with Dash Line Map

Leaflet Trip Type Dotted Line Map

Please Note:

  • At present, this feature has been provided to the Leaflet Trip/Trail Geometry Type maps only.

  • The width of line or dot is fixed for all the supported line types.

Leaflet support for the Glyph and Maki Marker Icons

The Glyph and Maki marker icons are supported in the Leaflet map type chart. The user needs to set m_svgicons variable to false using the SDK script.

The following three types of icons are supported in the Leaflet map with the Trip Geometry Type:

1. For Marker with custom icons we use Maki Icons

2. For custom markers we can use Glyph Icons

3. For custom markers we can also use font icons like bd-filter, bd-*

Please Note:

  • Currently we provide support for Leaflet Trip Type Non SVG.

  • To achieve this icons we have to set m_svgicons variable to false using the SDK script.

A sample script with m_svgicons variable to false is given below:

sdk.getWidget( 'map2').m_drawTripPath = true; // for line
sdk.getWidget( 'map2').m_svgicons = false;
var comp = sdk.getWidget( 'map2' ); = [44.91209,8.60492];
comp.m_mapoptions.zoom =50;
//for changing start & end markers & its color
comp.m_startcolor = "#21f110";
comp.m_endcolor = "#12e925";
//for changing path color
comp.m_pathcolor = "#bf404d";//for changing path markers & its color
comp.m_pathicon.icon= "bd-location";

Display Circle Data Points in the Leaflet charts

The Circle data points in Leaflet charts likely refer to markers that are displayed on the map in the shape of a circle. These markers can be used to indicate a specific location or set of coordinates on the map, and can be customized in terms of color, size, and other visual properties.

BDB Designer draws circles considering the first data point as center, provided with an option to configure at which data point circle should render it.

Steps to Configure Circle Data Points & Show Marker through Script

  • Add a variable to control geometry type as circle.

sdk.getWidget(‘map1).m_geometrytype = “circle”
  • Draw marker for other data points when Geometry type is circle.

sdk.getWidget(‘map1’).m_showmarker = trueva

Configure Circle as a data point.

  • By default, it draws a circle considering the first point.

  • The user can control the circle data point through script.

sdk.getWidget(‘map1’).m_circleindex = 21;

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