Measure Summary
Check out the walk-through on how to show Measure Summary for a View.
The users can access summary properties by clicking on the Summary option on the Design New page.
Navigate to the Design page to create a new view.
Drag and drop the required dimensions and measures.
Click the Configure Summary icon.
The Summary Properties window opens.
Set the following details:
Show Summary: Enable or disable the summary option.
Measure: Select a measure from the drop-down menu.
Aggregation: Select an aggregation type from the drop-down menu.
Format Type: Select a format type from the drop-down menu.
Currency Type: Select a currency symbol from the available choices.
Precision: Select a number up to what the precision value can be displayed.
Click the DONE option.
The measure summary value gets displayed on the view page by enabling the Show Summary option.
Last updated
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