Dataset Properties
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The Dataset tab is the window that can be used to configure the dataset fields of a component. Each field has several properties that can be set using the Properties tab that appears at the end of this window.
Map a data connection using the drop-down menu. (Ref. Connecting to a Data Source section).
Drag and drop the required fields as described below:
Category: It takes the fields selected as dimensions for the component.
Series: It takes the fields selected as measures for the component.
Configure the Properties displayed at the bottom of the window.
The Properties tab will display the following information for the selected data field:
The following properties information will appear for the Category data field.
Field Name: It will display the default name of the field.
Display Name: Provide a display name for the data field.
Visible: Enable or disable the visibility of the field.
Color: Set color for the selected data field.
Data Store Date: Select any one date format for the Data Store to display the Date values.
The following properties information will appear for the Series data fields.
Field Name: It is the default name for the selected data field.
Display Name: Provide a display name to the selected data field.
Visible: enable or disable this option to allow the visibility of the selected data field.
Color: Set color of the selected data field.
Opacity: Set the opacity for the selected data field.
Data Label: This option redirects to set the Data Label Properties for the selected data field.
Data Store Type: Select any one option out of the given arithmetic operations as Data Store Type.
The Data Grid components contain some more properties under the Properties tab of the Dataset.
The following fields are available under the Properties tab.
Field Name: It is the default name for the selected data field.
Display Name: Provide a display name to the selected data field.
Visible: Enable or disable this option to allow or restrict visibility of the selected data field.
Frozen Column: Enable or disable Frozen column option for the selected data field.
Width: Set the desired width for the selected data field by using the stepper option.
Color: Select a color using this option for the selected data field.
Text Align: Select an alignment option for the Column text display. The supported options are Left, Center, and Right.
Unit: Select a currency unit option using the drop-down option. The supported unit options are None, Auto, %, K, M, B, T, Q, Lacs, and Cr.
Precision: Select a precision option to be shown on the selected data field (up to 8 precision places are supported).
Currency: Select a currency None, CENT, EURO, INR, POUND, USD, and YEN.
Position: Select a position option from the drop-down option. The supported options are Prefix and Suffix.
Row Aggregation: Select an aggregation option using the drop-down option. The supported options are None, Sum, Average, Count, Minimum, and Maximum.
Show Tooltip: Enable or disable the tooltip by using the given checkbox option.
Tooltip Field: This option allows the user to provide tooltip for the selected column.
Column Type: Select a column type option using the drop-down option. The supported Column types are None, Numeric, Hyperlink, Image, Bullet, Progress Bar, Sparkline, Pie.
Number Formatter: Select a number formatter option using the drop-down option. The supported choices are None, Indian, and international.
Sorting: Enable or disable sorting option by using the given checkbox.
Data Store Type: Select a Data Store Type option from the supported options.
Data Store Date: Select a date format to reflect the date columns in the dashboard.
Column Style: Enable or disable the column style option by using the checkbox.
Font Color: Select the font color.
Font Size: Set a font size using the given stepper button to increase or decrease the font size.
Font Style: Select a Font Style using the drop-down menu. The supported options are Normal and Italic.
Font Weight: Select a font weight option using the drop-down option. the supported choices are Normal, Bold, 300, 600, and 900.
Font Family: Select a font type using the drop-down option. The supported fonts are Arial, BizVizFont, BizvizFontRegular, Cambria, Helvetica, Lucida Bright, Monotype Corsiva, Papyrus, Raleway, Roboto, Times New Roman, Ubuntu, Verdana.
Please Note: The supported Data Store options are Sum/Mean/Count/Min/Max/Variance/Standard Deviation.