View Options: Data Sets List Page

There are two kinds of View options are available on the Data Sets list page:

  1. List View

  2. Grid View

List View

In the list view, there are five columns that contain data set information and action buttons as follows: 1. Data Set Name 2. Data source Type 3. Created Date 4. Created By 5. Actions

Click on the List View icon to view all the Data set details in a list format. It is the default view for the Data Sets list.


  • Items per page displays the number of data sets listing in the page.

  • The Next and Previous buttons are provided to go on the next page and previous page respectively.

Card View

Click on the Card view icon on the top right corner, once the option is selected then the icon color will change to blue. The Card View will contain the following data set information:

  1. Name

  2. Created Date

  3. Last run Date

  4. Created User

The Action items mentioned under the Cards are:

  1. View/ Edit

  2. Publish

  3. Share

  4. More Options

    1. Push to VCS

    2. Pull From VCS

    3. Delete

Please Note: The Published Data Sets are marked by the icon.

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