Editing Collector(s)

  • Navigate to the Publish Your Survey list.

  • Click the Edit icon provided for a survey collector.

  • The Edit Collector option appears on the right pane of the screen.

  • The following information can be edited for a collector:

    • Collector Name

    • Close Collector Message

    • Collector Settings

  • Click the Edit option provided at the end to save the updates.

Editing Collector Settings

Collector settings include BizViz Analytics for End User and Benchmark Analysis for End User.

Editing BizViz Analytics for End-User

Public Link Status

  • Select the ACTIVE option to enable the link.

    • The Public URL link will be displayed below the Public Link Status (If the ACTIVE option is selected).

  • Select the IN-ACTIVE option to disable the link.

Display Result Option

  • choose either of the choices out of Yes or No options.

  • Selecting the Yes option will display the result to the end-user, even if the collector is closed or publish has been expired.

Display Filter Option

  • Choose either of the choices out of Yes or No options

  • Selecting the Yes option will display the applied filters to the end-user

Editing Benchmark Analysis for End-User

  • Select the ACTIVE option to enable the link.

  • Select the IN-ACTIVE option to disable the link.

Please Note: The Public URL link will be displayed below the Public Link Status, (If the ACTIVE option is selected).

Display Result Option

  • Choose either of the choices out of Yes or No options

  • Selecting the Yes option will display the result to the end-user, even if the collector is closed or publish has been expired.

Display Filter Option

  • Choose either of the choices out of Yes or No options.

  • Selecting the Yes will display the applied filters to the end-user.

Please Note: The same set of steps can be followed to edit Collector Settings for Weblink and Email collectors.

Last updated