
The Details tab opens while clicking the View Report icon.

  • Click the View Reports option for a completed experiment.

  • The Details tab opens by default.

  • The Details tab displays the following details:

  • Recommended Model: This will be the best suitable model determined based upon the metric score of the model.

  • Model Name: Name of the model

  • Model Score: Score of the model

  • Metric Value: On which basis the model was considered

  • Created On: Date of model creation

  • Run Summary: This portion will have the basic information about the experiment and trained model.

    • Task Type: it displays the selected algorithm name to complete the experiment.

    • Primary Metric: Name of the primary evaluation metric.

    • Model Status: Staus of the model

    • Created By: Name of the creator

A Regression model will have the below given details under the Details tab.

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