Governed Dashboards

  • Datasheet component Enhancements:

    • Provided the Add Row (+) option, the new row gets added to the last.

    • Ability to freeze columns.

    • Provided pagination with the property.

    • Able to edit the frozen column in a newly added row.

    • Introduced the ‘Delete row’ option with a confirmation message before a row gets deleted.

    • Able to retrieve more records of data.

    • The Save option gets updated in red color when something is edited in the datasheet.

    • Updated the JExcel DataGrid and JSuites library with the latest stable version (4.6.1).

  • Filter Chips component now supports the following components:

    • List Filter

    • Radio Filter

    • Hierarchical Filter

    • Combo Filter

  • Leaflet:

    • Implemented indicators with marker icons and color.

    • Support for the maki-markers and glyph-icons in Trip and Trial geometry.

    • Line type & thickness configuration in Trip and Trial geometry.

    • Circle geometry with markers implementation.

    • Provided default Zoom option based on available data points.

  • Grids:

    • Simple Grid: Column-wise font-properties

    • Size control for the Alert icons.

    • Paging-grid: Provided variables for controlling headers.

  • Mobile/Tablet View: Provided the updated Date picker calendar pop-up for the mobile and tablet views.

  • Export (Chart export): Legend also gets exported in PDF when associated with a chart.

  • Dashboards manage page: Provide the details about the dashboard in the info button.

  • Trellis Chart: Implemented the data labels.

  • Script update to implement the following as Properties or SDK Methods:

    • Timeline slider height ratio as property.

    • Timeline slider width control based on the number of records to be shown.

Check out the given walk-through to get an overview of the latest features and enhancements on the Designer module.

Last updated