
Add Interval to Date

It adds the time duration specified to the selected datetime column.

  • Input Format: It is used to specify the format of the selected Date column format. It can have values ‘Year first’, ‘Month first’, and ‘Day first.’

  • Value Type: It specifies the type of duration which acts as the operand for the addition. The value type can be years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes or milliseconds

  • Value: The value or the operand that must be added with the selected column

The Add Interval to Date transform has been applied to the expected_joining_date with the selected value of 24 hours,

As a result, a new column gets added to the data grid displaying the next day date of the given date value in the original column.

Please Note: The transform supports the datetime column of ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ into the ‘hh:mm:ss’ format.

Sub Interval to Date

The Sub Interval to Date transform subtracts specified value(interval) from the given date column. The transformed value can replace the existing column value or can be added as a new column.

  • Input Format: Format of date column(given) should be specified here.

  • Value Type: It specifies what we want to subtract like years, months, days, weeks, etc.

  • Value: It specifies how many years/months/days (value type) we want to subtract.

This transform is applied on the expected_joining_date column with the 2 months as value to get Sub Interval to the given date.

As a result, a new column gets created with the set value:

Extract Date Part

It extracts the date part from a selected column with a date value.

The date parts that can be extracted include day, month, year, the day of the week, the day of the year and the week of the year.

  • Day: It extracts day from a date

  • Month: It extracts the month from a date/datetime. We can specify the pattern in which the month value has to be returned. Month pattern can be 0-12, Jan - Dec or January - December

  • Year: It extracts the year from a date. We can specify the pattern in which the year has to be returned. The year pattern can be in the ‘yy’ or ‘yyyy’ format.

  • Day of Week: It returns the day of the week for the selected date. Day of week pattern can also be specified. The pattern can be 1-7, Sun-Sat or Sunday-Saturday

  • Day of Year: It returns a number between 1 and 365, which indicates the sequential day number starting with day one on January 1st.

  • Week of Year: It replaces a number between 1 and 53, which indicates the sequential week number beginning with 1 for the week January 1st falls.

E.g., This transform is applied on the expected_joining_date column by selecting Day of Week as a set part to be extracted from the selected column values.

As a result, it creates a new column displaying a number from 1-7 indicating a day of the week for the concerned date.

Please Note: The transform supports Date and DateTimes format (date hh:mm:ss).

Find Date Difference

The transform finds the difference between two date values. It can either subtract the selected column with a date value or date from another column. The transformed value can replace the existing column value or can be added as a new column.

  • Input Format: Specifies the format of the given date column

  • Use with: Specify whether to fill with a value or another column value

  • Value Hint: Specifies format of value from which we want to find the difference

  • Value: Pass the date value from where you want to find the date difference

This transform gives the number of days by finding out the difference between the given date and value/date column which we have used. E.g., the selected columns are DELIVERY_DATE and CREATED_DATE, the selected value hint option is Day First.

As a result, a new column entitled the Date_difference_DELIVERY_DATE_CREATED DATE gets added to the Data Gird with difference of dates in days as shown below:

Format Date

The users can change the format of a date column by using this transform.

  • Source Format Hint: Specifies the current format of the date column.

  • Target Format: Specifies what we want first (Year, Month, Day) in our output format of the date column.

  • Year Pattern: Specifies the format of the year (yyyy or yy) in the output date column.

  • Month Pattern: It specifies the format of the month (number, Jan-Dec, January-December) in the output date column.

  • Delimiter: Specifies Delimiter (like- slash, a hyphen, comma, full stop, space) for the output date column.

  • Include Timestamp: It adds a timestamp to the current date format if enabled with a tick mark.

This transform has been applied to the expected_joining_date column, with the data values to be displayed first with the time stamp.

As a result, it displays the values of the selected column in the set transform configuration value:

Add Duration

The transform adds two-time values. It can either add the selected column with a time value or time from another column. The transform supports adding time into ‘hh:mm:ss.mmm’ and ‘hh:mm:ss’ formats.

  • Use with: Specify whether to fill with a value or another column value

  • Column/ Value: The value with which the column must be added, or the column with which the selected column value must be added.

Transform Configuration with Other Column

The Add Duration transform is applied to the timecol2, and the selected other column is timecol3 to configure the transform:

A new column gets added displaying the duration value by adding the values from the timecol2 and timecol3 columns as displayed below:

Transform Configuration with Value

The Add Duration transform has been applied to timecol2 with value option where in the set value is 12:00:00 hours.

A new column gets added to the Data Grid displaying the duration based on the set value as shown in the below given column:

Subtract Duration

The transform ‘Subtract Duration’ deducts the time values in two ways. It can either subtract the selected column with a time value or time from another column. The transform supports subtracting time into ‘hh:mm:ss.mmm’,‘ hh:mm:ss’, and 'hh:mm’ formats. The transformed value can replace the existing column value or can be added as a new column.

  • Use with: Specify whether to fill with a value or another column value

  • Column/ Value: The value with which the column must be subtracted, or the column with which the selected column value must be subtracted.

Transform Configuration with Other Column

The Subtract Duration transform has been applied to the timecol2, the selected other column is timecol3,

As a result, a new column gets added with by subtracting the timecol3 values from the timecol2 for the concerned cells:

Transform Configuration with Value

The Subtract Duration transform has been applied to the timecol2, the selected value is 01:03:02,

As a result, a new column gets added to the Data Grid with the remaining values after subtracting the set values from the timecol2:

Extract Time

Extract the time units from a selected column with a time value. The time units that get extracted include hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and time to milliseconds.

  • Hours: Extracts hours from a time

  • Minutes: Extracts minutes from a time

  • Seconds: Extracts seconds from a time

  • Milliseconds: Extracts milliseconds from a time

  • Time to Milliseconds: Converts the time given to milliseconds

The Extract Time Unit transform is applied to the timecol2 by selecting all the available fomat types:

As a result, the time get extracted in the set time units and 5 new columns get added to the Data Grid displaying the extracted time values:

Please Note: The transform supports time format like- hh:mm:ss:mmm, hh:mm:ss, hh:mm

From Unix Time

The From Unix Time transform converts the Unix time into a specified format.

The From Unix Time transform has been applied on the Date column that contains the values in the Unix format,

As a result, a new column gets added to the Data Grid by converting the Unix format in the set format:

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