Circumplex Chart
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The Circumplex chart, also known as the Polar Area chart or Nightingale Rose chart, is a combination of the Bar chart and Pie chart. The Circumplex chart can be drawn on a polar coordinate grid. Each category or interval in data is divided into equal segments on the radial chart. The distance of each segment from the center, as per the denoted values, depends on a polar axis. Therefore, each ring from the center of the polar grid can be used as a scale to plot the segment size and represent a higher value.
Each category may have more than one sub-category, where each sub-category is shown by a section of the disc and each section has the same angle. The value of the corresponding sub-category is shown through the area. By changing the radius in a Circumplex chart, the user can adjust the area of each segment (based on data).
To display manifold data in the form of a two-dimensional chart of three or more measurable variables represented on axes starting from the same point.
The properties of Circumplex chart:
Axis labels: The user can change the font color, size of the labels as well the marker. The user can change the font style, weight, and family of the labels.
Axis Setup: The user can specify whether they need an Auto axis or not, Base zero is needed or not &also, the minimum value and maximum value of the axis.
Background: The user can change the background color of the chart, can get the border for the chart and can change the border color, can get the reflection of the chart by enabling the shadow option can also change the color and increase & decrease the transparency of the shadow.
Export Options: The user can enable the ‘Enable Context Menu’ to download the reports in different formats if we click on the chart from the preview section. The heading and subheading of that downloaded chart and the name of the downloaded file can be changed from this section.
Formatter: The user can change units to % or none. Precision if the user wants the value in decimal format. Currency if we want the value in INR, Pound, USD. Position of the currency: if it's in prefix and currency in Rupee then the sign will be seen on the left-side if it's in suffix then it will be seen on the right-side. Number Formatter if we want it in Indian or international.
General: Here user can change the name, height, width, top, left. If initial visibility is unchecked, then the chart won’t be visible at the first preview. If the max button is unchecked, then the user can’t maximize the chart separately. The user can change the color we want to see in the circumplex in the series color section and change its transparency in the opacity section. Chart type can be Overlaid or Clustered. The user can change the direction as clockwise or not. Also, web type can be provided as either circle or polygon. The color of the lines of the web can be changed in ‘Web Stroke Color’ also, the color of the line which differentiates between 2 subcategories can also be changed.
Legend: The user can enable the internal legend if we want to show and can change the font size, color, style, etc.
Subtitle: The user can enable the subtitle if we have any second title and also, we can change the Name, Font color, size, style, etc.
Title: The user can change Title Name, Font color, size, style, etc.
Tooltip: If the user wants to show the description of the series can use the tooltip by enabling it.
Clustered Circumplex with Polygon Web Type& using Series Colors
Overlaid Circumplex with Circular Web Type& not using Series Colors