Kafka Consumer

The Kafka Consumer component consumes messages from the internal [pipeline] or external brokers.

All component configurations are classified broadly into 3 section

Check out the steps provided in the demonstration to configure the Kafka Consumer component.

Please Note: It currently supports SSL and plaintext as security types.

This Component can read the data from external Brokers as well with SSL as the security type and host Aliases:

Steps to Configure

  • Drag and drop the Kafka Consumer Component to the Workflow Editor from the Consumer component group.

  • Click on the dragged Kafka Consumer component to get the component properties tabs.

Basic Information Tab

The Basic Information tab is the default tab to open while using a click on the dragged component. Configure the Basic Information tab by following the given steps:

  • Select an Invocation type from the drop-down menu to confirm the running mode of the component. Select ‘Real-Time’ from the drop-down menu.

  • Deployment Type: It displays the deployment type for the component. This field comes pre-selected.

  • Container Image Version: It displays the image version for the docker container. This field comes pre-selected.

  • Failover Event: Select a failover Event from the drop-down menu.

  • Batch Size (min 10): Provide the maximum number of records to be processed in one execution cycle (Min limit for this field is 10.

  • Enable Auto-Scaling: Component pod scale up automatically based on a given max instance, if component lag is more than 60%.

Meta Information Tab

Click on the Meta Information tab to open the properties fields and configure the Meta Information tab by providing the required fields.

  • Topic Name: Specify a topic name from where you want to consume data.

  • Start From: It contains the following start from:

    • Processed: Using this option the component will consume the message from the last processed offset. if the component is getting deployed for the first time it will read from the

    • Beginning: Using this option consumes live processed data and already processed data from the beginning

    • Latest: Using this option consumes the latest processed data.

    • Timestamp: Using this option consumes data between given interval times.

  • Is External: The User can consume external topic data from the external bootstrap server by enabling 'Is External' option. ‘Bootstrap Server’ and ‘Config’ fields will display after enabling the 'Is External' option.

    • Bootstrap Server: Enter external bootstrap details.

    • Config: Enter configuration details of external details.

  • Input Record Type: It contains the following input record type:

    • CSV: The User can consume csv data using this option. Headers’ and ‘Separator’ fields will display if the user select choose CSV input record type.

      • Header: In this field, the user can enter column names of CSV data that consume from the Kafka topic.

      • Separator: In this field, the user can enter separators like comma (,) that used CSV data.

    • JSON: The User can consume JSON data using this option.

    • XML: The User can consume parquet data using this option.

    • AVRO: The User can consume Avro data using this option.

  • Security Type: It contains the following security type:

    • Plain Text: Choose the Plain Text option if there environment without SSL.

    • SSL: Choose the SSL option if there environment with SSL. It will display the following fields:

      • Trust Store Location: Provide the trust store path.

      • Trust Store Password: Provide the trust store password.

      • Key Store Location: Provide the key store path.

      • Key Store Password: Provide the key store password.

      • SSL Key Password: Provide the SSL key password.

      • Host Aliases: It contains the following fields:

        • IP: Provide the IP.

        • Host Names: Provide the host names.

Saving the Component Configuration

  • After doing all the configurations click the ‘Save Component in Storage’ icon provided in the configuration panel to save the component.

  • A notification message appears to inform about the component configuration saved.

Last updated