Notebook Operations

This section aims at describing the various operations available under the Notebook tab.

This section aims at describing the following operations for a Notebook:

  • Datasets: Add datasets and get a list of all the added datasets.

  • Secrets: You can generate Environment Variables to save your confidential information from getting exposed.

  • Algorithms: You can get steps on how to do Algorithm Settings and Project level access to use Algorithms inside Notebook.

  • Transforms: Save and load models with transform script, register them or publish them as an API through DS Lab module.

  • Models: You can train, save, and load the models (Sklearn, Keras/TensorFlow, PyTorch). You can also register a model using this tab.

  • Predict: You can predict the model outputs inside the notebook.

  • Artifacts: You can save the plots and datasets as Artifacts inside a Notebook.

  • Variable Explorer: Get detailed information of Variables declared inside a Notebook.

  • Find and Replace: You can search for a specific text inside your code and replace it if needed.

Please Note: The below-given Notebook operations should be performed in this sequence only:

Save Model -> Load Model -> Predict -> Save Artifacts

Other Options

The Notebook operations icons (as provided below) help to apply various actions to the code/ code cell when clicked. They are provided on the top right side of the Notebook page.

The below given table explains the Menu Bar options in detail:

IconIcon NameAction


Refreshes the Notebook.

Restart kernel

Restarts the kernel by killing the current session and creates a new session.

Add Pre cell

Adds a code cell before the first cell.


Saves the Notebook updates.

Delete cell

Removes the selected cell.

Undo Delete cell

Reverts the Deleted cell.

Cut cell

Cuts the code from a specific cell.

Copy cell

Copies the code from a specific cell.

Paste cell

Pastes the cut or copied code to the selected cell.

Run Current cell

Runs code given for a specific cell.

Run all cells

Runs the codes for all the cells.


Stops the Kernel/Disconnects the instance and allocated resources.


Collapses the right-side menu panel.

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