Utility Actions

Every imported utility script will be credited with some actions to be applied to it. This page aims to describe them all.

Accessing Utility Actions

Navigate to the Workspace tab for an activated project.

Please Note:

  • The imported Utility files from the system will not support Push to VCS and Pull from VCS actions.

  • The same Actions functionality is available for a .py file under a Repo Sync project.


The user can modify the content of a utility script using the Edit option.

  • Navigate to the Workspace tab for a normal Data Science Lab project.

  • Click on the Utils folder.

  • Select the Ellipsis icon provided for a Utility file.

  • Select the Edit option from the context menu that opens for a Utility file.

  • The Edit Utility File window opens displaying the Utility script content.

  • Modify the script content.

  • Click the Validate option.

  • A notification ensures the script is valid post modification in the script content.

  • Click the Update option.

  • A notification ensures that the utility script is updated.

Push into VCS & Pull from VCS

Push Pre-requisites


  1. The user branch should have Developers' + maintainers' permission to push the latest code into the Main branch.

  2. The User token has to be set in the user profile using the Custom Fields setting available at the Admin level.

  3. The user token key name has to be 'bdbvcstoken'.

  • Navigate to the Admin module.

  • Open the Custom Field Settings under the Configurations option.

  • The Custom Field Information appears.

  • Provide the following information for the custom field:

    • Key- bdbvcstoken

    • Input type - Manual

    • Description - Git User Token

    • Mandatory - No

  • Click the Save option to save the modified Custom Field Settings.

  • A notification message informs the user that the custom field settings are updated.

  • Navigate to the Security module.

  • Go to the Users list.

  • Select the user from the list.

  • Click the Edit icon.

  • The Update User page opens.

  • Check out the Custom Fields section.

  • Validate whether the Git User Token is valid or not. If not provide the valid Git User Token.

  • Click the Save option.

A notification message appears to inform that the user is updated successfully.

  • Open the User Profile.

  • Select the My Account option.

  • The My Account details are displayed.

  • Open the Configuration option.

  • The same token gets updated as the Git Token section provided under the Configuration section.

Pull Pre-requisites

The user can also pull a utility script or an updated version of the utility script from the Git Repository.


  • The user needs to do an Admin configuration with an authentication token.

  • The user needs to do the Project level- configuration of Git Project and Git branch.

Please Note:

  • The normal Data Science Project with the Git branch configured to it will support the Pull from Git import functionality for a utility file.

  • Users can generate an authentication token from their Git Lab or Hub repositories.

Admin Level Configuration for Git Pull

  • Navigate to the Admin module.

  • Open the Version Control from the Configuration options.

  • Select the Token type as a private token.

  • Provide the authentication token in the given space.

  • Click the Test option.

  • A notification message appears to inform the user that authentication has been established.

  • Click the Save option.

  • A notification message appears to inform that the version control has been updated.

Pushing into and Pulling a Utility File

A user can make the changes in the pulled Python file and Push it into Git using the user token set in the user profile.

Please Note: Before using the Push a utility file to Git functionality make sure that the following requirements are fulfilled:

  1. The latest file is pulled into DS Lab before modifying and pushing back to the Git branch.

  2. The user should have access to the Git branch to push a change.

Check out the illustration for a utility script to understand the Pull from VCS and Push into VCS functionalities. It displays how taking each time a pull from VCS is necessary for using the Push to VCS functionality.

  • Navigate to the Workspace tab for an activated project that has a Git branch configured.

  • Click the Utils folder to get the Import option.

  • Click the Import option.

  • The Import Utility File drawer appears.

  • Select the Pull from Git option.

  • Select a file using the checkbox.

  • Click the Save option.

  • A notification message informs that the selected file is pulled.

  • The pulled file gets listed under the Utils folder.

  • Save the pulled file.

  • Modify the content of the saved Utility file.

  • Click the Pulled utility file from the Utils folder.

  • Select the Push into VCS option.

  • The Push into Git drawer opens.

  • Provide a commit message.

  • Click the Push option.

  • A notification ensures that the latest file version is pushed.

  • You can open the Git repository and verify the script version.

  • Navigate to the same Utility file.

  • Modify the script.

  • Save the script.

  • Select the Push into VCS option from the Utility action context menu.

  • The Push into Git drawer opens.

  • Provide a commit message.

  • Click the Push option.

  • An error message states that the current file doesn't contain the latest version, and suggests taking the latest pull.

  • Click the Pull from VCS option for the same utility file.

  • A notification ensures that the latest file is pulled.

  • Use the Save as Notebook option to save it.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • Consecutive success notifications appear to ensure that the file is started and saved.

  • Click the Push into VCS option for the same utility file.

  • The Push into Git drawer opens.

  • Provide the commit message.

  • Click the Push option.

  • A notification ensures that the latest file version is pushed.

  • The same can be verified in the Git repository.

Copy Path

The user can copy the utility file path by using this action option.

  • Navigate to the Workspace tab for a normal Data Science Project.

  • Open the Utils folder to get the list of utility files.

  • Access the Utility Actions context menu.

  • Click the Copy path option from the Utility Actions context menu.

  • Open a .ipynb file using the Repo folder.

  • Add a new code cell.

  • Use the Ctrl+V action to paste the copied path of the utility file in the code cell.


  • Navigate to the Utils folder for a normal DSL project.

  • Select a utility file and open the Actions context menu for the selected file.

  • Click the Delete option from the action context menu.

  • The Delete Utility dialog box appears to confirm the action.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A notification appears to ensure that the selected Utility script is deleted. The utility script gets removed from the list.


The information action option displays details for the Utility file whether it is imported from the Git of imported from the local system.

  • Navigate to the Utils folder for a normal DSL project.

  • Select a utility file and open the Actions context menu for the selected file.

  • Click the Information option from the action context menu.

    • Description: The inserted description for the utility file while importing the file gets displayed for the utility files imported from the system.

    • Last updated & Description: The last updated date and description are displayed for the utility scripts imported from Git.

Last updated