Workspace Folders

The Workspace tab contains default folders named Repo, Utils, and Files. All the created and saved folders and files will be listed under either of these folders.

Accessing Workspace Default Folders

  • Navigate to the Workspace tab (it is a default tab to open for a Project).

  • The left side panel displays the default Folders.

    • These folders will save all the created or imported folders/ files by the user.

  • The Workspace tab also contains a Search bar to search the available Assets.

Please Note: The Workspace will be blank for the user, in case of a new Project until the first Notebook is created. It will contain the default folders named Repo, Utils, and Files.

Collapsing the Left side Panel

  • Navigate to the Workspace Assets.

  • Click the Collapse icon.

  • The Workspace left-side panel will be collapsed displaying all the created or imported files and folders as icons.

Expanding the Left side Panel

  • Navigate to the Workspace tab with the collapsed left-side panel.

  • Click the Expand icon.

  • The Workspace's left-side panel will be expanded. In the expanded mode of the left-side panel, the default folders of the Workspace tab will be visible in the default view.

Please Note:

  • The Workspace left side menu appears in the expanded mode by default while opening the Workspace tab.

  • The Workspace List displays the saved/ created folders and files in the collapsed mode (if any folder or file is created inside that Workspace).

  • The normal Data Science Project where Git Repository and Git Branch are selected while creating the project, displays the selected branch on the header.

  • A Repo Sync Project can display the selected branch on the Project header, and the user will be allowed to change the branch using the drop-down menu.

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