List Feature Stores

This page focuses on the Feature Store List Actions.

Editing a Feature Store

Check out the illustration to understand the steps to edit a feature store.

  • Navigate to the Feature Stores List page.

  • Select a Feature Store from the list.

  • Click the Edit icon for the selected Feature Store.

  • The Edit Feature Store form opens.

  • Modify the required information.

  • Click the Validate option for the Feature Store.

  • A notification message ensures that the action updating table is executed.

  • The Preview of the data is displayed below.

  • Click the Update option after getting a notification message for successful validation.

  • Another notification message appears to ensure that the updated Feature Store is saved.

  • Use the Refresh icon provided on the Feature Stores list.

  • The status of the updated Feature Store will be listed in the Feature Stores list.

  • Click the Refresh icon again till the Feature Store status turns Completed.

  • The Version column will reflect the version number to indicate that the Feature Store is updated.

Deleting a Feature Store

Check out the illustration to understand the steps to delete a feature store.

  • Navigate to the Feature Stores List page.

  • Select a Feature Store from the list. Select a Feature Store with more than one version with Status marked as Completed.

  • It will display all the available versions of the selected Feature Store.

  • Click the Delete icon for a version of the selected Feature Store you wish to delete.

  • The Delete confirmation dialog box appears.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A notification message appears to inform the user about the deletion.

  • The selected version of the Feature Store will be removed, but another version will be listed in the Feature Stores List.

Please Note: The Feature Store with only one version, gets removed from the Feature List.

  • The deleted Feature Store version can be accessed from the Trash page. The user can restore it or delete it permanently from this page.

Last updated