Dataset Explainer

The Dataset Explainer tab provides a high-level preview of the dataset that has been used for the experiment. It redirects the user to the Data Profile page.

The Data Profile is displayed using various sections such as:

  • Data Set Info

  • Variable Types

  • Warnings

  • Variables

  • Correlations

  • Missing Values

  • Sample

Let us see each of them one by one.

Data Info

The Data Profile displayed under the Dataset Explainer section displays the following information for the Dataset.

  • Numbers of variables

  • Number of observations

  • Missing cells

  • Duplicate rows

  • Total size in memory

  • Average record size in memory

Variable Types

This section mentions variable types for the data set variables. The selected Data set contains the following variable types:

  • Numeric

  • Categorical

  • Boolean

  • Date

  • URL

  • Text (Unique)

  • Rejected

  • Unsupported


This section informs user about the warnings for the selected dataset.


It lists all the variables from the selected Data Set with the following details:

  • Distinct count

  • Unique

  • Missing (in percentage)

  • Missing (in number)

  • Infinite (in percentage)

  • Infinite (in number)

  • Mean

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Zeros (in percentage)


It displays the variables in the correlation chart by using various popular methods.

Missing Values

This section provides information on the missing values through Count, Matrix, and Heatmap visualization.

  • Count: The count of missing values is explained through column chart.

  • Matrix

  • Heatmap


This section describes the first 10 and last 10 rows of the selected dataset as a sample.

First rows

Last Rows

Last updated