
This release provides support from Linter to analyze source code and identify programming errors, bugs, and other potential issues.

The Linter functionality helps developers maintain high code quality by enforcing coding standards and best practices.

A linter helps in data science by:

  1. Improving Code Quality: Enforces coding standards and best practices.

  2. Detecting Errors Early: Identifies syntax errors, logical mistakes, and potential bugs before execution.

  3. Enhancing Maintainability: Catches issues like unused variables, making code easier to maintain.

  4. Facilitating Collaboration: Ensures consistent coding conventions across team members.

  5. Optimizing Performance: Highlights inefficient code patterns for better performance in data processing and analysis.

Please Note: The Linter functionality is available for normal and Repo Sync projects. The Repo Sync Projects display the Git Console as well in the drawer that appears while using the Linter functionality.

Check out the illustration on how Linter functionality works.

Last updated