Import Model

External models can be imported into the Data Science Lab and experimented inside the Notebooks using the Import Model functionality.

Please Note:

  • The External models can be registered to the Data Pipeline module and inferred using the Data Science Lab script runner.

  • Only the Native prediction functionality will work for the External models.

Importing a Model

Check out the illustration on importing a model.

Importing a Model
  • Navigate to the Model tab for a Data Science Project.

  • Click the Import Model option.

  • The user gets redirected to upload the model file. Select and upload the file.

  • A notification message appears.

  • The imported model gets added to the model list.

Please Note: The Imported models are referred to as External models in the model list and are marked with a pre-fix to their names (as displayed in the above-given image).

Exporting the Model to the Data Pipeline

The user needs to start a new .ipynb file with a wrapper function that includes Data, Imported Model, Predict function, and output Dataset with predictions.

Check out the walk-through on Export to Pipeline Functionality for a model.

  • Navigate to a Data Science Notebook (.ipynb file) from an activated project. In this case, a pipeline has been imported with the wrapper function.

  • Access the Imported Model inside this .ipynb file.

  • Load the imported model to the Notebook cell.

  • Mention the Loaded imported model in the inference script.

  • Run the code cell with the inference script.

  • The Data preview is displayed below.

  • Click the Register option for the imported model from the ellipsis context menu.

  • The Register Model dialog box appears to confirm the model registration.

  • Click the Yes option.

  • A notification message appears, and the model gets registered.

  • Export the script using the Export functionality provided for the Data Science Notebook (.ipynb file).

  • Another notification appears to ensure that the Notebook is saved.

  • The Export to Pipeline window appears.

  • Select a specific script from the Notebook. or Choose the Select All option to select the full script.

  • Select the Next option.

  • Click the Validate icon to validate the script.

  • A notification message appears to ensure the validity of the script.

  • Click the Export to Pipeline option.

  • A notification message appears to ensure that the selected Notebook has been exported.

Please Note: The imported model gets registered to the Data Pipeline module as a script.

Accessing the Exported Model within the Pipeline User interface

  • Navigate to the Data Pipeline Workflow editor.

  • Drag the DS Lab Runner component and configure the Basic Information.

  • Open the Meta Information tab of the DS Lab Runner component.

  • Configure the following information for the Meta Information tab.

    • Select Script Runner as the Execution Type.

    • Select function input type.

    • Select the project name.

    • Select the Script Name from the drop-down option. The same name given to the imported model appears as the script name.

    • Provide details for the External Library (if applicable).

    • Select the Start Function from the drop-down menu.

  • The exported model can be accessed inside the Script section.

  • The user can connect the DS Lab Script Runner component to an Input Event.

  • Run the Pipeline.

  • The model predictions can be generated in the Preview tab of the connected Input Event.

Please Note:

  • The Imported Models can be accessed through the Script Runner component inside the Data Pipeline module.

  • The execution type should be Model Runner inside the Data Pipeline while accessing the other exported Data Science models.

  • The supported extensions for External models - .pkl, .h5, .pth & .pt

Try out the Import Model Functionality yourself

Some of the Sample models and related scripts are provided below for the users to try this functionality. Please download them with a click, and use them inside your Data Science Notebook by following the above-mentioned steps.

Sample files for Sklearn

Sample files for Keras

Sample files for PyTorch

Last updated