Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that easily analyzes data directly in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL. With a few actions in the AWS Management Console, you can point Athena at your data stored in Amazon S3 and begin using standard SQL to run ad-hoc queries and get results in seconds.
Athena Query Executer task enables users to read data directly from the external table created in AWS Athena.
Please Note: Please go through the below given demonstration to configure Athena Query Executer in Jobs.
Region: Enter the region name where the bucket is located.
Access Key: Enter the AWS Access Key of the account that must be used.
Secret Key: Enter the AWS Secret Key of the account that must be used.
Table Name: Enter the name of the external table created in Athena.
Database Name: Name of the database in Athena in which the table has been created.
Limit: Enter the number of records to be read from the table.
Data Source: Enter the Data Source name configured in Athena. Data Source in Athena refers to your data's location, typically an S3 bucket.
Workgroup: Enter the Workgroup name configured in Athena. The Workgroup in Athena is a resource type to separate query execution and query history between Users, Teams, or Applications running under the same AWS account.
Query location: Enter the path where the results of the queries done in the Athena query editor are saved in the CSV format. Users can find this path under the Settings tab in the Athena query editor as Query Result Location.
Query: Enter the Spark SQL query.
Sample Spark SQL query that can be used in Athena Reader: