MS Dynamics
The following set of steps displays how to create an MS Dynamics Data Connector.
Click the Microsoft Dynamics Data Connector icon from the Data Connector page.
The Microsoft Dynamics Data Connector page opens.
Provide the following information:
Tenant ID/Directory ID
Resource URL
Client ID/ Application ID
Client Secret/ Keys
Add the given URL link to register your Azure app. Follow the below-given steps:
Login to your Azure Account as Admin
Click Azure Active Directory
Click App Registration
Select Your App
Click the Settings option.
Click reply URL
Add the given URL (
A new page opens asking to log in to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM account by using the Select Account option.
Provide the Data Connector Name.
Describe the Data Connection (optional).
Click the Save option.
A success message appears, and the newly created Microsoft Dynamics Data Connector gets added to the Data Connectors list.